Next Generation
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Strony: 1
Moje przywiozly
Od: dowódca floty
Twoja flota wróciła z planety Alari Prime [4:116:9] na planetę Armageddon [4:11:1].
Flota dostarczyła:
Metal: 1.342.065
Kryształ: 5.060.603
Deuter: 452.964
Metal: 4.198.630
Kryształ: 46.111.587
Deuter: 4.895.123
Metal: 33.770.500
Kryształ: 33.770.500
Deuter: 0
On 13-06-2021 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker Onruu [N-G]
Pathfinder 1
Light Fighter 1.246
Heavy Fighter 2.442
Cruiser 284
Battleship 1.683
Battlecruiser 100
Bomber 17
Destroyer 43
Reaper 150
Large Cargo 6.000
Small Cargo 2.424
Espionage Probe 3.000
Attacker PigletSwinkey [N-G]
Light Fighter 1.614
Heavy Fighter 345
Cruiser 409
Battleship 174
Battlecruiser 687
Bomber 121
Destroyer 22
Reaper 21
Pathfinder 521
Attacker Zjawa666 [N-G]
Battleship 10.387
Battlecruiser 3.413
Small Cargo 5.000
Defender Commander Hati
Small Cargo 1.549
Large Cargo 5.620
Light Fighter 5.261
Heavy Fighter 2.111
Cruiser 729
Battleship 550
Colony Ship 2
Recycler 41
Espionage Probe 17.318
Bomber 84
Solar Satellite 100
Destroyer 75
Battlecruiser 206
Reaper 83
Pathfinder 654
Heavy Laser 100
After the battle ...
Attacker Onruu [N-G]
Pathfinder 1 ( -0 )
Light Fighter 1.085 ( -161 )
Heavy Fighter 2.299 ( -143 )
Cruiser 283 ( -1 )
Battleship 1.681 ( -2 )
Battlecruiser 100 ( -0 )
Bomber 17 ( -0 )
Destroyer 43 ( -0 )
Reaper 150 ( -0 )
Large Cargo 5.659 ( -341 )
Small Cargo 2.144 ( -280 )
Espionage Probe 2.124 ( -876 )
Attacker PigletSwinkey [N-G]
Light Fighter 1.410 ( -204 )
Heavy Fighter 318 ( -27 )
Cruiser 402 ( -7 )
Battleship 172 ( -2 )
Battlecruiser 687 ( -0 )
Bomber 121 ( -0 )
Destroyer 22 ( -0 )
Reaper 21 ( -0 )
Pathfinder 504 ( -17 )
Attacker Zjawa666 [N-G]
Battleship 10.347 ( -40 )
Battlecruiser 3.413 ( -0 )
Small Cargo 4.351 ( -649 )
Defender Commander Hati
The attacker has won the battle!
The attacker captured:
5.603.120 Metal, 64.585.664 Crystal and 6.882.844 Deuterium
The attacker lost a total of 15.243.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 257.116.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 82.945.979 metal and 69.043.025 crystal.
The attacker captured a total of 77.071.628 units.
The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
The attacker(s) captured the debris.
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers(s)
Metal: 80.254.099
Crystal: 126.832.689
Deuterium: 6.730.844
The attacker(s) made a profit of 213.817.632 units.
Summary defender(s)
Metal: -138.397.120
Crystal: -174.930.664
Deuterium: -20.859.844
The defender(s) lost a total of 334.187.628 units.
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Wiadomość dodana po 02 min 31 s:
Piglet zgarnął:
Flota dostarczyła:
Metal: 14.000.000
Kryształ: 14.000.000
Deuter: 0
,Flota dostarczyła:
Metal: 331.992
Kryształ: 2.110.921
Deuter: 210.726
1867000 metal
21528000 krysztal
2294000 deuter na glowe z ataku
plus to co z reckow
jak wkleicie czyje recki co zgarnely to bedziemy mieli wszystko
Strony: 1
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